[Wordpress] Watch as I Build a Squeeze Page, a Sales Page & Full Membership Site in Under 2 Hours

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Could This Be You?
I was having a chat with a couple of online contacts the other day. Both of them are into Internet Marketing and I had done some web-design work for one of them.

The second guy, Michael who I'd just been introduced to, asked me if I would be available to
build a quick squeeze page for him. He went on to explain that he usually used Fiverr but he needed this within the next hour for a mini-launch he was working on!

I said that of course I would help him out but
he could do it all himself if he used a particular premium wordpress theme.

Michael told me that he had the theme but
didn't know how to use it and, further more, didn't have the time to learn anyway!

So - I went ahead and built his squeeze page for him but I couldn't get the thought out of my head that here was this guy who had bought the theme but had never used it.

A few days went by and I was on a call with the two guys again. I said to Michael that I had been thinking about what he had said about not knowing how to use the premium theme and not having the time to learn. I continued,

"I reckon I can teach you to build a Sales Page,
A Squeeze Page and a Full Membership Site
in Under 3 Hours"

He didn't believe me... but he was keen to test me out
so we scheduled a skype call.

The next day he shared his screen with me and I talked him through the whole process.

Did I do it in under 3 hours?
You bet! - I actually did it in under 2!

This is a video tutorial course and a case study combined!
Now you can
stop struggling with technical difficulties,
stop paying for outsourcers, and do it yourself!

You really can learn how to create a Sales Page, a Squeeze Page and a Full Membership site in under 2 hours using the skills that I teach you and the premium WP theme that I recommend. And the great thing is that you can use this theme on UNLIMITED DOMAINS that you own.

When I say you can start building your web empire this instant, I mean it. Just think about the cost everytime you have to oursource another squeeze page - And I dread to think what you'd be charged for a Full Membership site!!!

BUT it's not just about the money - think about how great it will be when you decide you need a new membership site and just moments later there you are, building it. Anytime you want to make a change or create a new one, you are good to go. No more waiting until your designer can fit you in!

OK, so you have two choices!
  1. Keep doing the same thing outsourcing your sales pages, squeeze pages and membership sites only to find that what they create is not what you wanted and wait while they try again.
  2. TAKE BACK CONTROL of your business and learn how to build the first of your many Internet Marketing Websites.

Click the BUY button now
and let's get started:


How To Get Profite From PINTEREST

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Why should you listen to me??

Well basically because I am the seller of MANY the best selling methods on this very Warrior Forum.
My most popular one is called: The Half A Brain Method, which has sold over 8000 copies and helped many people earn their first $100 a day income EVER.

It even helped 1 warrior create his $250.000 a year TOTALLY AUTOMATED income stream!!

(I got a major karma boost from inspiring him to do so..I feel it!)

Needless to say, I know how to make money online and more importantly I know how to explain it in a way that’s easy to understand for even the most newbie of newbie warrior who has never made a SINGLE DIME ONLINE.

“What does it take to make money online Rodney?”

Is a question that I often get on this forum and from my family and friends and I always tell them…you need to get targeted traffic. Traffic that has the intention to purchase stuff…

Preferably FREE TRAFFIC(which is like the holy grail in online marketing….).

Then you need to sell to them something that would interest them.

Sounds easy…well if it was easy everyone and their dog would be getting rich of IM.

Getting buyer traffic is hard and it sucks, besides that it’s also expensive as all hell to do so….

But What If I Told You That I Found A Traffic Pool Which I Personally Tested That Is Making Me A Cool $100+ A Day Income WITHOUT ANY ADVERTISING COST WHATSOEVER!!

What if I told you that this traffic pool has a certain type of crowd that purchases a certain type of products a certain type of way…

What if I told you that knowing HOW to sell to this traffic is the difference between wasting your time with this traffic pool or making $100+ EACH DAY like I am?

(insert proof of clickbank or google analytics or both)

Let me ask you this…could you use FREE TARGETED TRAFFIC TO:

Build your email list
• Promote your CPA offers
Sell you Clickbank product as affiliate
• Promote your Youtube videos
Get more adsense clicks
• Sell your Amazon affiliate offers
• And much more??

Then my short and sweet 15 page report is probably the most important guide you will read all year(or at least this whole month).

So what is this traffic source all about?

If you are looking for a 100% free traffic source- and a hungry market 8 million members strong to sell to- then this will be the most interesting post you read today.

Here's why.

Simply put....Pinterest is one of the hottest, fastest growing markets on the web today.

Why is that?
What's making this site so popular?

Who can say how a craze like Pinterest gets started, but the fact remains that Pinterest members (over 8 million of them now) have fallen in head-over-heels in love with the site...and are spending a huge amount of time (and money) there.

That's right. Let me repeat that.

They're spending money directly on Pinterest.

You see, the site is now allowing businesses to market and sell, right from the site.

And that's great news for you as an internet marketer....
If you are smart…like I am…you can build lists from this source and promote to this list as much as possible!

...because Pinterest users now see the website as much more than just a place to view and share photos.

Much more.

So how can we take advantage of this? How can you make $100+ A DAY with this traffic source like I am?

Pinterest Profiteer!
Your Essential Guide To Banking Fast, Easy & Unstoppable Profits Using FREE Traffic From Pinterest!


Here's how you'll benefit instantly...with this unqiue new method for profiting from the free traffic available right now from Pinterest.

You'll discover...

✔3 things you must know about Pinterest members..before you can sell to them.

A tiny little adjustment to your 're-pins' that can double your results (a re-pin is simply borrowing something someone else has posted for your own purposes.)

✔How an ordinary public domain picture, that costs you nothing, can be used to get free traffic for months or even years to come.

15 easy ways to use Pinterest to market your own offers...that don't involve pinning at all (almost no one is doing this.)

✔Neat little tricks to SEO your Pinterest pages (they're starting to rank like crazy, but you can help them along for much faster results.)

When you find your ideal buyer, here's how to get them to seek you out.

✔ Where to send the traffic for the best results (i. e. the biggest profits) This may well be the most valuable part of the whole guide.($100+ A Day secret revealed here).

Plus many more tested methods that all lead up to me converting this traffic in a way that it earns me hundreds per day…its so sick…its so so so sick…

And that's not all...

Here's the real secret.


One of the biggest problems I hear about Pinterest isn't about getting traffic from the site (to be honest that's pretty easy once you know how it's done).

It's what to do with the traffic once you've got it.

In other words....how to monetize the traffic.

I'll be frank. This is where most people fail.

And if you can't follow a few step-by-step instructions, then this method probably won't make you that much money. Pass it by.

But if you can follow my instructions to the tee, and keep doing them until you're making money, then Pinterest Profiteer was designed for you.

So what do you need to make money with my Pinterest Profiteer guide?

• A CPA account is recommended
An autoresponder to collect the emails(recommended)
• A clickbank account is recommended
2 hours per day is recommended
• A FREE pinterest account(I show you how to get one)
The brain of a baby
• The ability to follow simple instructions

So who will benefit from this report?

Beginners who have never made a dime online
• People who keep spending money on ppc and not making money back
People who get tired of reading countless traffic WSO’s with too much junk and filler
• People who want to make some cash fast with a proven method
People who want a fresh traffic source that’s still free, still growing, not crowded with competition and is filled with buyers
• Internet marketing beginners
People who need a steady monthly income source(traffic=money)
• People who need traffic that’s FREE, FAST and CONVERTS!

Do you qualify?

Because you're also backed up by my personal guarantee of quality.
If this method is NOT something that you feel comfortable with and if $200 a day is not something that you want, just shoot me an email and I will refund you your $9 bucks:!
You Have 6 months to do so!